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What A Time
Group One
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Jarrod's Blog
Monday, 7 February 2005
Carnival Monday - J'ouvert
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Shurwayne Winchester - Look d De Band Commin
Topic: What A Time
The Outside Broadcast Van Alexia Alexia, her Mister and her friend Gymlee It's been an eventful morning. My first J'ouvert this part of Port-of-Spain. And I'll'll say it was interesting. The order for camera shots was no lewd behavior to be focus on. This was easy. The hard part was finding a shot in a crud of people. If its one thing, I'll have a greater respect for the guys who do outside broadcasts. Its a lot of concentration on your part to one, find shots and two, take direction and be quick with it. But all in all it was great. Hope to post more shots either tonight or tomorow...

Posted by Jarrod at 12:29 PM MNT

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