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What A Time
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Monday, 7 February 2005
Carnival Monday - J'ouvert
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Shurwayne Winchester - Look d De Band Commin
Topic: What A Time
The Outside Broadcast Van Alexia Alexia, her Mister and her friend Gymlee It's been an eventful morning. My first J'ouvert this part of Port-of-Spain. And I'll'll say it was interesting. The order for camera shots was no lewd behavior to be focus on. This was easy. The hard part was finding a shot in a crud of people. If its one thing, I'll have a greater respect for the guys who do outside broadcasts. Its a lot of concentration on your part to one, find shots and two, take direction and be quick with it. But all in all it was great. Hope to post more shots either tonight or tomorow...

Posted by Jarrod at 12:29 PM MNT
Saturday, 5 February 2005
Carnival Time Again
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: What A Time
Well, its the weekend, carnival is here and my work has just started. The Saturday news was OK, except that we were not able to run a story on kiddies carnival, which by the end of news time, was not sent. The presenter/producer was pissed. As for me, 'll be at work for 2am. Morning Edition will be live at South Quay for the Jouvert celebration and 'll be one of the camera operators there. To imagine this time last year, was in Maracas Bay. Ah well, at the end of the day, money in the bank and, as was telling one of the guys who trained me in the business, you have to love this business to stay in it. As have , especially now that work in a television station, the people in this business just see this as a means to an end. For me, its was something that wanted to do since was either 4 or 5. know that can master other fields of work but, my heart is in television. Plus it helps to be trained by people who instills the love of the job in you, of which will be for...

Posted by Jarrod at 9:21 PM MNT
Wednesday, 2 February 2005
Back To Work
Mood:  hungry
Its my first day back to work. Its going to be a long haul. From today until the 15th of February. 13 shifts, with a double next week Tuesday and Friday. I don't mind the extra work. The more work means more money. On top of which, employee evaluations are in progress. If i'm not evaluated during this period, it means that i'll not be comming on staff. Good thing that I have plans to do some computer courses and get into the I.T. sector. Rught now its 9:10pm in about 50 minutes time i'll be in the hight of the news at ten.

Posted by Jarrod at 9:21 PM MNT

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